BY KEVIN SAWYER – A high school junior in Manville, New Jersey, was recently suspended from school and ordered to undergo a psychological evaluation for a teacher approved project he did on support of the Second Amendment. Frank Harvey, 17, stated that his anti gun control project that supported Second Amendment rights was approved by his teacher and that he actually received an “A” on the project.
Frank was, of course, turned in by a fellow student when he left behind a flash drive in one of his classes. Apparently, the student who turned him in, as well as school bureaucrats, were so horrified by the project that they even asked the police to go to Frank’s house to see if there was any possible criminal activity going on. The cops went to his house and talked to the high school junior and then left stating that there was no criminal intent or activity going on.
Manville school bureaucrats were furious that the cops could not charge the boy with a crime so they ordered him to have a psychological evaluation for five hours. Of course, school officials didn’t bother to site where they received such authority to do so. School officials operate in their own self absorbed and insulated worlds and continue to believe that they can rule the lives of American children similar to how prisons operate. It is just another example of American school systems trampling students Constitutional rights to free speech and rights guaranteed by the 13th Amendment.
Frank’s parents were likewise furious and refused to have their son undergo the evaluation. And, of course, Frank’s school teacher denied ever having approved such a project. The project was in support of the Second Amendment and carried examples of real stories where crime was prevented, and lives saved, because some one carried a gun and defended themselves and others against attacks. He also contained evidence in his report that all of these “gun free” zones don’t, in fact, make anyone safer or deter violent crime. It only makes victims of people who can’t properly defend themselves against a violent attack.
Mary Vervan, Frank’s mother, said that, “I am not taking him for a psychological evaluation because this teacher is lying and won’t own up to what she did. The teacher assigned it, my son did the homework, and he got kicked out of school for it.”
Frank remains out of the New jersey public school system and is working toward getting his GED.