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Zimbabwe Plans To Extradite Barbaric Dentist Who Killed Beloved Lion



Zimbabwe officials say that the dentist who killed the beloved lion, Cecil, violated criminal laws and they want him extradited back to Zimbabwe to face criminal charges. “We want him tried in Zimbabwe because he violated our laws. Police should take the first step to approach the prosecutor general who will approach the Americans,” the Environment, Water and Climate Minister of Zimbabwe said. Cecil Palmer, an American dentist, allegedly paid $50,000 to hunt the beloved lion this month with a crossbow near Hwange National Park in western Zimbabwe. Cecil is beloved at the park and he had reportedly been lured out of the park sanctuary by the dentist with a dead animal on top of a vehicle. The 13 year old lion reportedly suffered a long and painful death at the hands of the barbaric dentist.

The Minister says Dr. Palmer had “a well-orchestrated agenda which would tarnish the image of Zimbabwe and further strain the relationship between Zimbabwe and the USA.” Palmer’s whereabouts remain unknown since the uproar over the hunt occurred.

There is even a White House petition requesting that Palmer, who killed the beloved lion, be extradited to the Zimbabwe to face justice may receive a response from the Obama administration. The petition quickly surpassed the 100,000 signatures needed by August 27th, with it already gathering 160,000 signatures by Friday.