BY KEVIN SAWYER – Just when you think you have heard it all, well, you haven’t. Last week a 13 year old boy in Albuquerque, New Mexico was unlawfully strip searched and then thrown into jail because he was burping in physical education class. Apparently, Albuquerque’s Cleveland Middle School thinks it is an actual crime to burp.
Schools these days seem to think that they have some manner of power, legal or otherwise, over their students to do pretty much anything they want. And, because parents these days do nothing, the abuse found in many American schools persists without protest.
The young boy was being a bit of the class clown, as 13 year old boys tend to be, and seemed to be disrupting the class with his burping. So his teacher, Margaret Mines-Hornbeck, sent him out to sit in the hall and called the schools “resource officer” which is just a fancy school-speak name for the school cop. So, the school cop comes and gets the boy and drags him to the principal’s office. The school cop decides that the kid is somehow involved in some sort of pot transaction and begins to strip search him telling the boy to take his shoes and clothes off.
All of this, so far, is a direct violation of an American citizen’s rights under the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution.
Anyway, the boy is frightened and nearly naked and, of course, there were no drugs found on him by the school cop. So, because of the burping, the principal of the school decides to suspend the boy from school for the rest of the year. Burping, it seems, is a serious offense in the public schools of New Mexico.
So serious that the school wouldn’t just leave it alone. They decided to charge the boy with the criminal offense because it is, apparently, illegal to disrupt the “education process” at a public school in this country. What exactly this “education process” is, no one has yet defined. The insanity continued as the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, located in Denver, actually upheld the decision to criminally prosecute the 13 year old class clown. So, off to jail the boy went for burping and being a normal 13 year old boy.
His parents have hired a lawyer and are expected to sue the you-know-what out of everybody.
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