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Puppy love? There’s a new grump in town

Looks like Grumpy Cat is not the only furry creature to delight us with their curmudgeonliness (wait! Is that a word?).

He may have some stiff competition from a 5 month old pug named Earl.



Earl lived a quiet peaceful life in Iowa until his owner Derek Bloomfield began to post pictures of him on Reddit.

You can guess what happened next. The viewership went up and the memes rolled in.

Photo Source:

GQ even recently posted some theories on why Grumpy Puppy is so grumpy.

  1. “His favorite sitcoms don’t do enough bone jokes.
  2. His parents got him kibble but no bits. Everyone knows bits are the best part.
  3. The mailman insists on coming almost every day, that son of a b****.
  4. He didn’t get into Westminster because he failed the interview portion.
  5. He’s in love with a cat, but the world won’t allow him to be open about his feelings.
  6. His stupid parents keep pointing a camera at him instead of playing with him.”

GQ Earl article

But despite the bad press, it sounds like Earl is a regular puppy.

Bloomfield lists Earl’s favorite activities as sunbathing, eating snacks, and chasing balls.


Bloomfield spoke of Earl’s interactions with his girlfriend and himself:

“‘He is the most relaxed, content puppy either one of us has ever seen. Whenever he wants something he’ll calmly sit down and stare at us until we ask him the right question. Then he wags his tail in approval.

‘He’s constantly trying to snuggle up to one of us and has us in constant fits of laughter through his facial expressions and mannerisms. He’s a daddy’s boy and loves to pick on his momma.'”