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Carson surges in the polls, but can he face Trump?

Ben Carson has risen to be second in the Republican candidate polls, only behind Donald J. Trump. Carson isn’t happy to be playing second fiddle though. He faces a huge challenge overcoming the billionaire.

When asked about whether he thinks he can take on Trump, Carson told The Hill:

“I believe the American people are smart enough to figure out what’s real, what’s not real, and what kind of temperament and intellectual endeavors are necessary to be president,” Carson said.

Carson is currently number 2 in the polls nationally and in Iowa.

The retired Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon was mostly unknown and expected to not make a serious run at the White House. His seemingly lackluster GOP performance only met the low expectations. However, a Fox News poll shows that the GOP debate winner was Ben Carson, objectively.

“The emergence of Donald Trump is very helpful for us,” said Terry Giles, who briefly managed Carson’s campaign but has left to help him raise money. “When I was actively involved in the campaign and traveling the country, I couldn’t believe the groundswell against the establishment. Trump has brought out that anti-establishment fervor.”